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Fringe - Fancast Spoilers from the set

From the fantastical set of Fringe in Vancouver, I got to play the role of Observer (without undergoing a buzz cut, thankfully) and find out from the cast what’s coming up on this show in which “the impossibilities are endless.” Here’s a whiff of what was uncovered during my visit.

A prevailing topic on the set was that The Observers are about to get a whole lot more face time. We now know there is more than one, and that they are all named after months. The main man we’ve come to know, as played by Michael Cerveris, is “September,” by the way – but it’s the episode entitled “August” which is supposed to be a doozy. And, contrary to what you might think, it seems these fellows are far from invincible. What can bring these hairless heavies down – besides bland food? Why is Walter (John Noble) apparently their only BFF from this dimension? And why is The Observer carrying Walter’s photo around in his briefcase?

“Somehow along the line, because of Walter’s experiences, because of things he’s done, he’s been able to make communications with The Observer, whatever The Observer is – I’ll leave that for you to think about,” Noble says. “That will continue, and that will become far more dense as the season goes on, as to what the role of The Observers are, and also Walter’s relationship with them. In terms of the teaser as to why Walter’s photo is in [The Observers briefcase]: my feeling is because he’s their only live contact. The rest -- they should not and cannot make contact with other people. And if they do – at their peril, which will also be revealed.”

Anna Torv promises that the William Bell and Walter meet-up is finally coming. And there are a couple of other episodes that she thinks we should keep a particularly careful eye on. “We have an episode that we did just shoot not so long ago – the last one that we did – that sort of pulls and answers a couple of questions from the episode where Charlie dies,” Torv tells us. “When she finally remembers what was said to her during the meeting with William Bell, with the mention of the man with the marking on his head also comes up, there’s some stuff that kicks in that was really fun to do, that’s a little bit of a throughline.”

Source: Fancast

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