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When Dollhouse’s second season begins September 25, bells will ring as Battlestar Galactica’s Jamie Bamber guest stars as a wealthy businessman who marries Echo (Eliza Dushku) while she’s on assignment.
“I was really impressed with Jamie,” Dushku tells TV Guide Magazine. “He’s a gorgeous husband with [whom I got] great wedding pictures for my first time down the aisle.”
Despite an intense on-screen fight—“I found myself literally sobbing real tears,” Dushku says—the faux wedding day was not without some lighter moments.
“I took a picture and sent it back to my mom, and she called me, a bit flustered,” Dushku says. “In the past couple years, I’ve been getting the [marriage] question from her more than ever, so it’s nice that I could send her some pictures to tide her over.”
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