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Update on Potential Return of Michael Rosenbaum

Michael Rosenbaum Willing To Return For The Series' Final Episodes?

The Windy City Times recently caught up with Michael Rosenbaum, where they talked about his career - past, present, and future - and the subject of a return to Smallville did come up... but there's a stipulation.

"I told the producers that I would only come back for the last episode or two if they let me wear a bald cap. I just grew my hair out," he said.

He also revealed in the interview that the producers have already attempted to bring him back. "They have asked me to come back a few times. People think they have seen me on the show since then but I found out they have been using body doubles to pretend that it's me. I don't know how fair that is to the fans," he says.

View Article Here: Windy City Times